The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Self Transformation

Kevin Robb, 2.00 - 4.00 pm, 20 July 2024.

Featured Speaker:Kevin Robb
Venue:Adelaide Lodge

self transformation

In this workshop Kevin Robb from Mount Magnificent South Australia will give you the tools to positively transform yourself on many levels.

The information I have been given will give you a simple platform to propel yourself into higher states of awareness and transform parts of yourself thus enabling you to reach your full potential on all levels of your existence.

We are Multidimensional spirits living in a Multidimensional universe and never before in the history of mankind have, we ever experienced the changes that are now upon us all. People have claimed feeling a load taken off them and misguided thought patterns completely vanish.

About the Speaker:

Kevin Robb From Mount Magnificent was the director of Australian Cosmic Connection UFO group for over 15 years and has had many experiences and has an extensive photo gallery. Kevin also has talked at major UFO conference’s in Australia as well as running them in Adelaide, also bringing International speakers here to speak on the subject.

Kevin’s passion was to Developed a new healing technique and he had it nationally accredited through the IICT people had claimed nerve regeneration and more. Kevin now operating Massage with Sacred Oils in Mclaren Vale


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