The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Blue Mountains Group

Meets: 11am First Wednesday of the Month  (except January)

Acting Coordinator: Stephen McDonald
Email: [email protected]
Meeting Place: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, 30 Parke St. (above Coles)


Wednesday 2 August 2023 11.00 am in the Workshop Space

Walker of the Sky – the Inner Life of J Krishnamurti

Speaker: National President, Stephen McDonald.

Jiddu Krishnamurti remains one of the most paradoxical religious figures of the 20th Century. But who or what was he? What was his relationship with Theosophical Society? In his personal account entitled, Krishnamurti's Notebook, he attempted to describe, in words, something of the deep inner life, which formed part of his daily experience. The unity of all existence was not some theory or philosophy for him – it was his only reality. This talk will examine some aspects of Krishnamurti's inner experience (including some recent research about the “process”), which may enhance our understanding of his life's mission and his message.

Stephen McDonald has been an active member of the Theosophical Society since 1976. He is a past President of Blavatsky Lodge, Sydney and is currently National President of the TS in Australia. He has had an enduring interest in the work of J Krishnamurti since attending his last three talks given in India in 1986.

For many years, Stephen ran a private clinic as a homeopath and later became a lecturer at Torrens University. He holds a Master of Health Science degree from Newcastle University and a post-graduate qualification in teaching.


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