Four-dimensional Testament | A.C. Hanlon | y1959 | v20 | - | May | p33 |
The Future of the Theosophical Society | Clarice E. Gregory | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p37 |
The Gateway to the Mysteries | H. Milton Thornton | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p39 |
The World of the Occult | Geoffrey Hodson | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p42 |
The Work of theosophists in the New Age | Clarice E. Gregory | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p43 |
Memories from the Past | various | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p48 |
The Creative Power of the Individual | Betsan Coats | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p49 |
Lines Written on the Birth of A Child (vf) | Mairi F. Cavers | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p52 |
Theosophy | H.P. Blavatsky | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p52 |
New Zealand's Contribution to the New Age | Frank D Dorofaeff | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p53 |
Thoughts | Alice J. Greville | y1959 | v20 | - | September | p55 |
Excerpts from Presidential Address to the 84th International Convention | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p1 |
Relationships | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p3 |
63rd Annual Report - The New Zealand Section of the Theosophical Society | Clarice E. Gregory | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p4 |
The Sixty-third Annual Convention | Winifred E. Miller | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p7 |
Indo-pacific Conference | anon | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p8 |
Theosophy | H.P. Blavatsky | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p9 |
The Four-fold Programme for the Theosophical Society | F.L. Kunz | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p10 |
The Gaol of Life - Address to Members | Georgina Boyd | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p12 |
The Great Truths of Life - Address to Members | Clarice E. Gregory | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p14 |
Truth | C.W. Leadbeater | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p18 |
The Publicity Parliament of the Twelve "Y's Men" | Agnes V. Inglis | y1960 | v21 | - | January | p19 |
Visit of International President - Welcome to a Beloved Brother | anon | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p21 |
Inaugural Address of the President | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p22 |
Extract from an Address to Members | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p24 |
The International President - Sidelights | E. Marion Lavender | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p25 |
filler | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p26 |
Why Should We Study Science? | Hugh S. Murdoch | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p27 |
Meditation (vf) | Nellie Pocock | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p30 |
The World of the Occult | Geoffrey Hodson | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p31 |
Religion, Science and Research | John K. Robertson | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p34 |
Zen Theosophy | Frederic M. Hilder | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p36 |
Adyar - The International Headquarters | anon | y1960 | v21 | - | May | p39 |
Talk by President to Members | N. Sri Ram | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p41 |
Visit of International President | anon | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p45 |
The World of the Occult | Geoffrey Hodson | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p46 |
Adyar Newsletter | anon | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p48 |
Adyar (rprnt `American Theosophist`) | H.S. Olcott | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p49 |
Sound Values | Captain A.G. Pape | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p50 |
Theosophy Applied to the Individual | Georgina Boyd | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p52 |
The Master Key to Happiness | John Coats | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p56 |
From the Glorious Presence | various | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p57 |
Clairvoyance and Spiritual Life | Phoebe D. Bendit | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p58 |
The Mystery of Karma | Rohit Mehta | y1960 | v21 | - | September | p59 |
Presidential Address | N. Sri Ram | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p1 |
Convention 1960-1961 | Agnes V. Inglis | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p9 |
Theosophy and the Conflict of Life | Frederick S. Pollock | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p11 |
Two Hindu Festivals - From the Adyar News-letter | anon | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p14 |
New Zealand Theosophist to Visit Moscow | anon | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p15 |
The New Zealand Section of the Theosophical Society 64th Annual Report | Clarice E. Gregory | y1961 | v22 | - | January | p16 |