The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

The Canadian Theosophist

review: 'The Anugita' translated by KT TelangJoan Sutcliffey1982v63i4Sep-Octp75
The Future of CommunitySEy1982v63i4Sep-Octp79
From Ostende to London - A Turning Point in the TS [reprint Path 1892]Archibald Keightleyy1982v63i4Sep-Octp81
Notes and Comments by the General SecretaryTGDy1982v63i4Sep-Octp83
Theosophical Text Committee Preliminary Prospectusanony1982v63i4Sep-Octp85
A Walk on the Beach [reprint 'The Koeksister' September 1981]Rosemary Vossey1982v63i4Sep-Octp86
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 2 Reincarnation - Part I [reprint CT vol 49]Geoffrey A Barborkay1982v63i4Sep-Octp87
review: 'The Foreigner: A Search for the First Century Jesus' by Desmond StewartTed G Davyy1982v63i4Sep-Octp91
World Animal Day October 3, 1982Doris Davyy1982v63i4Sep-Octp91
review: 'The Guiding Light of Loa Tzu: A New Translation and Commentary on the Tao Teh Ching' by Henry WeiTed G Davyy1982v63i4Sep-Octp92
Good Night (vf)DAy1982v63i4Sep-Octp94
Hug a Tree (vf)Tina Wilcoxy1982v63i4Sep-Octp94
Adyar Centenaryanony1982v63i5Nov-Decp97
review: 'The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater' by Gregory TillettTed G Davyy1982v63i5Nov-Decp98
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 2 Reincarnation - Part II [reprint CT vol 48]Geoffrey A Barborkay1982v63i5Nov-Decp103
Kiu-te Projectanony1982v63i5Nov-Decp105
obituary: Geoffrey A Barborka died September 30 1982 aged 85anony1982v63i5Nov-Decp106
Notes and Comments by the General SecretaryTGDy1982v63i5Nov-Decp107
Calgary LodgeLaetitia van Heesy1982v63i5Nov-Decp108
Calgary Conference on Karma and Rebirthanony1982v63i5Nov-Decp109
Hermes Lodgeanony1982v63i5Nov-Decp109
Dr Raja Visits western Canadaanony1982v63i5Nov-Decp109
Annual Report of the General Secretary 1981-82Ted G Davyy1982v63i5Nov-Decp110
1982 Annual Meeting and ConferenceDoreen Chatwiny1982v63i5Nov-Decp113
Letter [re statement by Gregory Tillett]Hugh Shearmany1982v63i5Nov-Decp115
Letter [re 'Why Leadbeater?' by Gregory Tillett]D Buxeyy1982v63i5Nov-Decp116
review: 'By the Holy Tetraktys! Symbol and Reality in Man and Universe' by L Gordon PlummerDorothy Armstrongy1982v63i5Nov-Decp117
The Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of JudgmentGerard Pederiany1983v63i6Jan-Febp121
Theosophy, the Theosophical Society and the Present World SituationAlastair M Taylory1983v63i6Jan-Febp123
Stages on the PathRadha Burniery1983v63i6Jan-Febp128
Notes and Comments by the General SecretaryTGDy1983v63i6Jan-Febp131
Notice of ElectionTed G Davyy1983v63i6Jan-Febp132
Calgary LodgeLaetitia van Heesy1983v63i6Jan-Febp132
Victoria LodgeEllie Pagey1983v63i6Jan-Febp133
Thoughts on 1983SEy1983v63i6Jan-Febp135
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 2 Reincarnation - Part III [reprint CT vol 47]Geoffrey A Barborkay1983v63i6Jan-Febp137
review: 'HP Blavatsky collected Writings, Vol XIII' compiled by Boris de ZirkoffTed G Davyy1983v63i6Jan-Febp140
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 63anony1983v63i6Jan-Febp142
From the Presidential Address: To the 107th Annual Convention of the Theosophical SocietyRadha Burniery1983v64i1Mar-Aprp1
The Adyar Library and Research Centre: Past, Present and Future [reprint Theosophist 1982]Harold Cowardy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp6
The Edge of ScienceSEy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp8
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section: 3 The Monad - Part I [reprint CT vol 48]Geoffrey A Barborkay1983v64i1Mar-Aprp10
Notes and Comments by the General SecretaryTGDy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp11
Calgary LodgeLaetitia van Heesy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp12
Montreal LodgeElizabeth M Smithy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp12
The Group-Soul Question Re-ExaminedGeoffrey A Farthingy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp14
review: 'The Song of Life' by Charles JohnstonTed G Davyy1983v64i1Mar-Aprp21
HPB as I Saw Her [reprint 'Adyar Bulletin' May 1909]R Jagannathiahy1983v64i2May-Junp26
The Sleeping PrinceSEy1983v64i2May-Junp28
Reflections on the Investigative ProcessDS Westgaardy1983v64i2May-Junp31
Showing 2951 to 3000 of 4442 entries