The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge


Shamanism: An Expanded View of RealityShirley Nicholsony1993-i18Autumnp6
A Call to Transformation: A Larger View on the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction of 1993Michael R Meyery1993-i18Autumnp11
The Greatest Adventure of AllMarcia Kotz Markeyy1993-i18Autumnp16
Chivalry and the Feminist MovementDavid Dynesy1993-i18Autumnp18
EditorialAlan Seniory1994-i19Springp2
Spirituality: What It Is and What It Is NotJeanine Millery1994-i19Springp3
Saint Bride of ScotlandBessie A Forbesy1994-i19Springp6
A Poem (vf)Ruth Straussy1994-i19Springp10
At the Threshold of Global TransformationMichael R Meyery1994-i19Springp11
Cernunnos, The Horned God of the Celts (A Male Symbol for Today)Alan Seniory1994-i19Springp17
Spiritual DevelopmentGeoffrey A Farthingy1994-i19Springp21
EditorialAlan Seniory1994-i20Autumnp2
The Danger of New Age Narcissism [abridged from Destiny Challenge - A Record of Spiritual Experience and Observation]Kate Thomasy1994-i20Autumnp3
The Healing SmileWayne Gatfieldy1994-i20Autumnp10
New Age ReligionPeter Russelly1994-i20Autumnp14
A New Message for the New CenturyMichael R Meyery1994-i20Autumnp17
Symptoms of Inner Peace (vf) [reprint Indian Theosophist 1989]Saskia Davisy1994-i20Autumnp18
The Six Directions of PersonalityJohn Algeoy1994-i20Autumnp19
When is the New Age, Anyway (vf)Jack Clarkey1994-i20Autumnp25
EditorialAlan Seniory1995-i21Springp2
John Duncan: Celtic Revivalist and SymbolistMartin A Forresty1995-i21Springp3
The Revivalists and the Old Remembrance [extracts Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend]anony1995-i21Springp5
Magico-Realism and the Celtic SubversivesRobert Brydony1995-i21Springp8
John Duncan's 'The Riders of the Sidhe'Alan Seniory1995-i21Springp13
John Duncan: The Art of the IdealFrankie Jenkinsy1995-i21Springp16
Christine Duncan and the AvaloniansPatrick Benhamy1995-i21Springp21
Memories of Donnachaidh [reprint from 'The Scots Magazine' December 1967]Bessie JB MacArthury1995-i21Springp22
review: 'The Paintings of John Duncan, A Scottish Symbolist' by John KemplayAlan Seniory1995-i21Springp25
[no issues between Spring 1995 and Spring 2005. Future issues not numbered]-y1995-i22Autumnp1
EditorialAlan Seniory2005--Autumnp2
Celtic Crosses: Life Enhancing Symbols and ArtefactsColin McCallieny2005--Autumnp3
Did a Scot Beat Columbus?anony2005--Autumnp16
Beyond 'The Da Vinci Code', Autumn 2005anony2005--Autumnp17
Rosslyn and The Da Vinci Code Revisited [interview]Robert Brydon and Alan Seniory2005--Autumnp18
Rosslyn Chapelanony2005--Autumnp22
The Apprentice Pillaranony2005--Autumnp22
The Future of the Theosophical Society [brief account]Radha Burniery2005--Autumnp22
News from the Lodgesanony2005--Autumnp23
Stone Circles in NE ScotlandCarol Anny2005--Autumnp25
News from Home and Abroadanony2005--Autumnp25
EditorialAlan Seniory2005--Springp1
Reincarnation, Karma and RelationshipsWayne Gatfieldy2005--Springp2
The Swastika - A Time for Re-assessmentAlan Seniory2005--Springp5
Why Do We Reincarnate? [adapted extract Reincarnation Explored 1987]John Algeoy2005--Springp6
From the Scottish Archivesanony2005--Springp8
The Mahatma Letters Study Groupanony2005--Springp9
Showing 251 to 300 of 369 entries