The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

News from the Sections - International Week at Huizen July 11-17anony1979--May-Julyp6
News from the Sections - Summer Camp Programmes in the USAanony1979--May-Julyp6
Publications and Study Aids - Non-English Publicationsanony1979--May-Julyp7
Publications and Study Aids - "Esoteric Nature of Music"anony1979--May-Julyp7
Publications and Study Aids - Books on Astrology published by TPH Londonanony1979--May-Julyp7
Publications and Study Aids - A Comprehensive Theosophical Glossaryanony1979--May-Julyp7
Publications and Study Aids - Book Gift Fundanony1979--May-Julyp8
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Booksanony1979--May-Julyp8
Publications and Study Aids - "The Sleeping Spheres" by Jasper Neilandanony1979--May-Julyp8
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Centenary Convention Programmeanony1979--May-Julyp8
In October we celebrate one hundred years of publication of The Theosophist with a special issueJean Raymondy1979--August-Octoberp1
Vice-President's Far Easter Touranony1979--August-Octoberp2
TS domates for the Morvi Flood Reliefanony1979--August-Octoberp2
Seminar on Mahayana Buddhismanony1979--August-Octoberp2
International Centre of Theosophical Studies and Researchanony1979--August-Octoberp2
Change of Name for Olcott Schoolsanony1979--August-Octoberp2
Narula Theosophical Awardanony1979--August-Octoberp2
C Jinarajadasa Commemorationanony1979--August-Octoberp2
Mrs K Ponnu Ammalanony1979--August-Octoberp3
Gift of Bodhi Sattva Statueanony1979--August-Octoberp3
Convention December 1979anony1979--August-Octoberp3
Adyar Archives needs more Microfilmsanony1979--August-Octoberp4
Child Welfare Centreanony1979--August-Octoberp4
Changes in Adyar's Staffanony1979--August-Octoberp4
Theosophical Order of Service Madrasanony1979--August-Octoberp4
News from the Sections - European Summer Schools in 1980anony1979--August-Octoberp5
News from the Sections - Krotona School of Theosophy's Fall Programmeanony1979--August-Octoberp5
News from the Sections - Festival of Mind Body and Spiritanony1979--August-Octoberp5
News from the Sections - The Order of the Round Tableanony1979--August-Octoberp5
News from the Sections - Unite's Reunionanony1979--August-Octoberp6
News from the Sections - Canadian member will take part in expedition to Peru!anony1979--August-Octoberp6
News from the Sections - HPB is the Subject of a Calcutta TV Quizanony1979--August-Octoberp6
Publications and Study Aids - "Logos"anony1979--August-Octoberp6
Publications and Study Aids - "Man's Search for Wholeness"anony1979--August-Octoberp6
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Booksanony1979--August-Octoberp6
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Library Publicationsanony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - Recent Publications in Indian Languagesanony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - "Chit" [news-sheet of scientist members of the TS in Australia started]anony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - German Language Publicationsanony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - "Phung-su-Theosophiaanony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - Quest Booksanony1979--August-Octoberp7
Publications and Study Aids - Centenary of The Theosophistanony1979--August-Octoberp8
John Coats [obituary]Jean Raymondy1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp1
Adyar-December 1979anony1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp2
A Fountain of Love [obituary]C R N Swamyy1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp3
The sudden passing away of John Coats came as a great personal loss to meSurendra Natayany1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp3
To John Coats as Editor-in-Chief The Theosophist was the offical organ ... [obituary]John Clarkey1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp4
I had the unique privilege of serving under the late Mr John Coats ... [obituary]P C Anthonyy1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp4
Centenary Message from President John B S Coats to the Theosophical Society - November 17 1975John Coatsy1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp4
I remember when I came to Adyar in 1975 to work as John Coats's secretary ... [obituary]Kristina Cloughy1979-80--November-January-February-Aprilp5
Showing 651 to 700 of 2642 entries