The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

EditorialMary Carman Rosey1984v7-Octoberp203
Christian healing todayLloyd R Applegatey1984v7-Octoberp205
The Hindu avatara, Jesus Christ, & psychical researchCTK Chariy1984v7-Octoberp211
Seances for the Tsar (4.1) spiritualism in tsarist society & literatureThomas E Berryy1984v7-Octoberp218
Religious functionaires in African traditional religionGrace Adolphsen Bramey1984v7-Octoberp231
1884 Revisited: levitation & the fourth dimension - notes from the overgroundDavid F Haight (Homo Aviator)y1984v7-Octoberp242
The Hu Sa Fu storyJohn Crowley & Grace Crowleyy1984v7-Octoberp251
Announcements - review - Near-Death Experience Interviews - a video cassette by Howard A. Mickelanony1984v7-Octoberp256
review - The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai ... by GH Forsyth & K WeitzmannFrank C Tribbey1984v7-Octoberp258
review - Picture Windows on the Christ & The Magian Gospel by Charles C WiseClaire Walkery1984v7-Octoberp260
review - The Psychic Thread: Paranormal & Transpersonal Aspects of Psychotherapy by Elizabeth E MintzGeorge Fisky1984v7-Octoberp261
review - Ethos: J of the Society for Psychological Anthropology (shamans; endorphins) ed by Raymond PrinceJohn R Crowleyy1984v7-Octoberp263
review - Heaven on Earth ed by E Rozanne ElderMary Carman Rosey1984v7-Octoberp265
Ltte - I have just produced a video cassette ... near-death experiencesHoward Mickely1984v7-Octoberp266
Index (topics)anony1984v7-Octoberp267
Index of Names in volume 7anony1984v7-Octoberp270
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1985v8-Januaryp1
Parapsychology & radical dualism (rprnt from Research in parapsychology, 1983)John Beloffy1985v8-Januaryp3
Response to John Beloff's "Parapsychology & radical dualism" (p3-10)Alan Andersony1985v8-Januaryp11
Can radical dualism accommodate psi interaction: a reply to Professor J BeloffSteven M Roseny1985v8-Januaryp13
The nature of non-material mind: a psychical research viewpoint (reply to J Beloff)Frank C Tribbey1985v8-Januaryp26
Pragmatic dualism & bifurcated idealism: philosophical consequences of the scientific study of consciousnessEvan Harris Walkery1985v8-Januaryp36
Commentary (J Beloff, "Parapsychology & radical dualism", pp 3-10)Hywel D Lewisy1985v8-Januaryp45
Seances for the Tsar (4.2) spiritualism in tsarist society & literatureThomas E Berryy1985v8-Januaryp52
Announcements - variousvariousy1985v8-Januaryp66
review - This Dynamic Universe by Corona Trew; E Lester Smith, edsClaire G Walkery1985v8-Januaryp67
review - Psyche & Spirit: Readings in Psychology & Religion ed by John J HeaneyJohn R Crowleyy1985v8-Januaryp67
review - Past Life Visions: A Christian Exploration by William L de ArteagaAlice E Bucky1985v8-Januaryp68
review - Christian Mysticism by Emma ShackleMary Carman Rosey1985v8-Januaryp70
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1985v8-Aprilp71
(1) Jung & the occultGeoffrey C Westy1985v8-Aprilp73
What do the Beatitudes say? a literal studyEdgar Wirty1985v8-Aprilp81
Psi-phenomena & the world's faiths (1)CTK Chariy1985v8-Aprilp88
Reincarnation: the necessity of EdenEdward FitzGeraldy1985v8-Aprilp95
Seances for the Tsar (5.1) Polonskii, Soloviev, AksakovThomas E Berryy1985v8-Aprilp106
Announcements - International Swiss congress (rprnt Parapsychology Basel Nov 1984)Arthur S Bergery1985v8-Aprilp119
review - The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons by Stephen KnightCharles C Wise Jry1985v8-Aprilp122
review - Parapsychology's Second Century by Betty Shapin; Lisette Coly, edsRhea A. Whitey1985v8-Aprilp123
review - Thus Saith the Lord: The Autobiography of God by Charles W Wise JrClaire G Walkery1985v8-Aprilp124
review - The Powers of Coincidence (v6 #1 Science 85) by Rudy RuckerJohn R Crowleyy1985v8-Aprilp127
Let's start here (vf)Barbara Harrisy1985v8-Aprilp131
M&PE (1)Lloyd R Applegatey1985v8-Aprilp133
M&PE (2)Mary Martin-Bacony1985v8-Aprilp133
Editorial (ARPR, 10th Annual Conference, May 19-21, 1985)Mary Carman Rosey1985v8-Julyp135
Dream play (vf)Joyce S Browny1985v8-Julyp137
Psi-phenomena & the world's faiths (2)CTK Chariy1985v8-Julyp138
(2) The development of Jung's thought on the psychological basis for the belief in spiritsGeoffrey C Westy1985v8-Julyp147
Augury (vf)Marcus T Senecay1985v8-Julyp154
Seances for the Tsar (5.2) The Reign of Alexander IIIThomas E Berryy1985v8-Julyp155
A trip to Bergen-Belsen (vf)Charles A. Streckfusy1985v8-Julyp168
Showing 301 to 350 of 1797 entries