"Swedenborg on Occultism" (rprnt from 'The Perfect Way') | Kingsford, Anna Bonus | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p117 |
"Experience" | Scammon, Laura Everingham | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p118 |
"Settling Accounts: A Dream" | Hill, Iris H. | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p119 |
Thurston, Clark visits Toronto | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p120 |
Beckett, Samuel L. mentioned | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p120 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (USA) | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p120 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p120 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges Annual Meeting 1896 report | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p122 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. re-elected Corresponding Secretary, Beaver TS | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Beckett, Samuel L. re-elected Pres. Beaver TS | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Brown, Francis Josef [Broun] appointed delegate 1896 Conv. | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Brown, Francis Josef [Broun] conducts public speaking class | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Hoggan, C.B. establishes elementary class | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Jones, William re-elected Librarian Beaver TS | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Port, Robert Edwin re-elected Treasurer and Recording Secretary, Beaver TS | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Randall, John re-elected Vice-Pres. Beaver TS | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p123 |
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines" | [AESS] | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p124 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Armstrong, Charles H. TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Brown, Francis Josef [Broun] TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Jones, William TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Randall, John TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada) | - | y1896 | v2 | i20 | March | p127 |
Judge, William Q. photo | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p129 |
TS in America Presidential W.Q. Judge obituary | Buck, Jirah D. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p130 |
obituaries - Judge, William Quan | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p130 |
Wright, Claude Falls on William Q. Judge | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p132 |
tribute to W.Q. Judge | Anderson, Jerome A. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p132 |
W.Q. Judge obituary | Hargrove, Ernest T. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p132 |
christianity - "International SS Lessons" | [AESS] | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p133 |
"A Sleep and a Forgetting" | Hill, Iris H. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p135 |
"Pilgrim to the Dawn" (vf) | James, William T. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p135 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges ' Beaver TS' (Toronto) : activities | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p136 |
Editorial Notes [A.E.S. Smythe] | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p136 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p136 |
Judge, William Q. death a great loss to the Theosophical Movement | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p137 |
Theosophical Society in America Conventions [1896] | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p137 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges adopts resolution 're' death of William Q. Judge | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p137 |
[Judge, W.Q. Recollections of] | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p138 |
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines" | [AESS] | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p138 |
obituaries - Judge, William Quan | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p138 |
"Found and Made a Note of" | C.L.A. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p141 |
: on Taoism | Alexander, G.G. tr | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p141 |
chinese - "Tao, the Way, the Word and the Life" (G.G. Alexander, from 'Lao-Tsze, the Great Thinker') | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p141 |
articles signed `Jasper Niemand' : "The First Initiation" | Keightley, Julia W.L. | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p142 |
Blavatsky, H.P. on white/black magic | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p142 |
on white and black magic (H.P. Blavatsky) | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p142 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada) | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p143 |
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing | - | y1896 | v2 | i21 | April | p143 |