Blavatsky, H.P. hostile biographies | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p109 |
Berry, Miss E.A. closes HPB Printing Press | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p109 |
"Cycles and Karma" - "Earth's Four Poles" (C.H.A.) | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p110 |
"Earth's Four Poles" - geology, cycles | Armstrong, Charles H. | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p110 |
James, William T. TS lecturing | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
"A Universal Religion" (rprnt from 'The Arena') | Müller, Max | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
Titus, Ferdinand E. TS lecturing, Toronto | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada) | - | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p111 |
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines" | [AESS] | y1895 | v1 | i7 | February | p112 |
buddhism - Japanese statues of Buddha | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p113 |
"Theosophy" | Port, Robert Edwin | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p114 |
north american native tradition - "Indian Astronomy" | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p115 |
christianity - Scripture Class Notes | [AESS] | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p116 |
alcoholism - "The Gothenburg System" | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p117 |
christianity - "International SS Lessons" | [AESS] | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p117 |
Wright, Claude Falls TS lectures in Toronto | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges Annual Meeting 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Titus, Ferdinand E. elected delegate to American Convention 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Port, Robert Edwin re-elected Treasurer and Recording Secretary, Toronto TS 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. re-elected Corresponding Secretary, Toronto TS 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. elected delegate to American Convention 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Randall, John re-elected Vice-President Toronto TS 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Howell, D.J. elected Trustee Toronto TS | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Port, Robert Edwin elected delegate to American Convention 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
report on first year's operations | LaDue, Francis | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Jones, William re-elected Librarian Toronto TS | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Hermon, Edward William elected Trustee Toronto TS | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Beckett, Samuel L. re-elected Pres. Toronto TS 1895 | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p118 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges library reports | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p119 |
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines" | [AESS] | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p120 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p120 |
Judge, William Q. quoted | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p121 |
physiology - "The Pineal Gland" (rprnt from 'The Path') | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p121 |
articles signed `Jasper Niemand' : "Seeking the Christ" (from 'The Path') | Keightley, Julia W.L. | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p121 |
Other Men's Bibles | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p122 |
buddhism - "Buddha's Teachings" | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p123 |
"Found and Made a Note of" | C.L.A. | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p123 |
friday fragments - ['a regular column of witty remarks by' AES Smythe] | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p124 |
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor) | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p124 |
Keightley, Archibald mentioned | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Judge, William Q. ill health of | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Hargrove, Ernest T. identified as author using pseud "Che Yew Tsang" | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Carman, Bliss mentioned | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Brown, Minnie Williams TS lecturing | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Armstrong, Charles H. TS lecturing | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Keightley, Julia W.L. mentioned | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |
Pryse, James M. mentioned | - | y1895 | v1 | i8 | March | p125 |