The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge


Notes by the way: To be a handmaidLeslie Pricey2011v7i12Decp396
Christmas Quiz [Leslie's seasonal Quiz]anony2011v7i12Decp399
Some books we have reviewedanony2011v7i12Decp400
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2011v7i12Decp401
Looking Back over PsypioneerPaul J Gaunty2012v8i1Janp2
Singular Revelations - Communications with Spirits in Western New-York ['Jeffersonian Republican' Thursday December 13 1849]anony2012v8i1Janp5
Modern Spiritualism ['Oswego Daily Times' Tuesday Evening April 1 1879]anony2012v8i1Janp11
The Rochester Knockings ['The Medium and Daybreak' 7 February 1879 p89]Katie Fox Jencken, anony2012v8i1Janp13
The Fox Sisters: Some Unsolved Problems ['Light' 24 June 1943 front page]Leonard J Hodsony2012v8i1Janp16
The Fox Sisters - Some Further Comparisons ['Light' 29 July 1943 p238]Percy Wilsony2012v8i1Janp19
In Memoriam - Kate Fox Jencken ['The Medium and Daybreak' 16 September 1892 p596]J Burns [James Burns]y2012v8i1Janp22
The Birthplace of Spiritualism ['The Decatur Daily Republican' 12 May 1886]Max Eltony2012v8i1Janp28
A Foe to Spiritualism ['Chicago Daily Tribune' 10 October 1888]anony2012v8i1Janp29
Leah Fox Underhill and her Traducers New York ['Religio' 15 December 1888, 'Medium and Daybreak' 28 December 1888 p820]anony2012v8i1Janp30
Spiritualism Exposed by the Fox Sisters ['Daily Democratic Times' 22 October 1888]anony2012v8i1Janp30
Summing UpPaul J Gaunty2012v8i1Janp33
Photographs. End noteanony2012v8i1Janp36
Psypioneer Fox Referencesanony2012v8i1Janp37
Leslie’s Christmas Quiz Answersanony2012v8i1Janp38
A Note in Passing - The 600th anniversary of the birth of Joan of ArcG Willeyy2012v8i1Janp38
Some books we have reviewedanony2012v8i1Janp40
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2012v8i1Janp41
Fair Play for Conan DoyleLeslie Pricey2012v8i2Febp43
The "Controls" of Stainton MosesA W Trethewy, Leslie Price [introduction]y2012v8i2Febp48
Notes by the Way: Psychic News Survives DeathLeslie Pricey2012v8i2Febp54
Modern Historians on Modern SpiritualismMarc Demarest, LP [introduction]y2012v8i2Febp55
Leslie Price responds below: Spiritualism and Scholarship[Leslie Price]y2012v8i2Febp61
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England: Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood 1854-1884 [concluded] [Paraffin-Wax Moulds]AS [Alfred Smedley], WPA [WP Adshead]y2012v8i2Febp62
What Became of the Moulds? [extract: 'Some Reminiscences' pp127-128]Alfred Smedleyy2012v8i2Febp68
Miss Wood Caught Personating a Spirit ['The Medium and Daybreak' 17 August 1877 pp523-524]anony2012v8i2Febp69
Miss CE Wood Exposed ['Light' 16 September 1882 p410]Ed 'Light' (E Dawson Rogers), Robert Catling, Thos McKinney, Paul J Gaunty2012v8i2Febp73
Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood 1854-1884 [List of article references in the Kate Wood series]anony2012v8i2Febp76
Photograph Referencesanony2012v8i2Febp77
Books we have reviewedanony2012v8i2Febp78
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2012v8i2Febp79
In Memoriam: The "Titanic" ['The Two Worlds' 3 May 1912, 'Light' 27 April 1912]anony2012v8i3Marp81
Ronald Brailey ['The Two Worlds' 6 March 1914]Horace Leafy2012v8i3Marp84
The Brake Memories [review: 'Of Love Between Two Worlds' by Georgina and Robert Brake, additional material by Kate Halliwell and Ann Harrison]Leslie Pricey2012v8i3Marp88
The "Controls" of Stainton Moses [continued]A W Trethewy, Leslie Price [introduction]y2012v8i3Marp89
The Spirit House [review: 'The Spirit House or Brown's Free Hall in Georgetown New York a short history' by Joscelyn Godwin]Leslie Pricey2012v8i3Marp97
A Form Materialised through Mrs Corner - Florence (Florrie) Crook ['Psychic Science' January 1927, April 1935]AW Orr, anony2012v8i3Marp98
Transition of Mrs Corner ['Light' 30 April 1904 p212]anon, Mary Mack Wally2012v8i3Marp99
Stanley De Brathanony2012v8i3Marp101
Notes on Mr Stanley De Brath’s Career ['Psychic Science' ('Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science') v5 i3 October 1926 pp163-165]-y2012v8i3Marp102
Photograph Referencesanony2012v8i3Marp107
Books we have reviewedanony2012v8i3Marp108
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2012v8i3Marp109
WT Stead: Chief of the Old Brigade ['Psychic Science' v6 i1 April 1927 pp30-34]Edith K Harpery2012v8i4Aprp111
Julia's Bureau: Points of interest noted by Paul GauntPaul Gaunty2012v8i4Aprp115
The WT Stead Bureau to Close ['Light' 12 March 1936]anon, [WT Stead]y2012v8i4Aprp121
Showing 801 to 850 of 1280 entries