Plausible Life-Support System on Mars | E Lester Smith | y1970 | v14 | - | Summer | p45 |
Man, Know Thyself! | Arthur J Ellison | y1970 | v14 | - | Summer | p47 |
Ltte - Extraterrestrial Life | Dr LJ Bendit | y1970 | v14 | - | Summer | p53 |
Ltte - In Further Defence of Special Relativity | Dr HS Murdoch | y1970 | v14 | - | Summer | p54 |
Ltte - Special Relativity | Dr MG Hocking | y1970 | v14 | - | Summer | p63 |
Science Group Committee | anon | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p65 |
Art & Daily Living | Prof Dr Ir Arand M Haas | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p66 |
Design for Human Living - Art in the Search for Truth | Eleanor Stakesby-Lewis | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p73 |
The Problem of the Individual in a Planned Society | Mrs Betty Dennis | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p84 |
Some Notes of a Science Group Discussion held on 7th Feb 1970 | Corona Trew | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p87 |
Ltte - The Fourth Force in Psychology (1) | Dr LJ Bendit | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p89 |
Ltte - The Fourth Force in Psychology (2) | Dr LJ Bendit | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p90 |
Ltte - Dr Hocking & the Relativity Discussion | Eric M Baskett | y1970 | v14 | - | Autumn | p91 |
Editorial Note | anon | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p95 |
The Pilgrim in the Cycle of Necessity | Corona Trew | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p95 |
Memory Molecules | E Lester Smith | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p102 |
The Origin of the Solar System | HS Murdoch | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p106 |
The Place of the Individual in High Education | Arthur J Ellison | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p113 |
Does Life Exist? | Basil Butterworth | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p115 |
Ltte - Relativity & the Quantum Theory - reply to MG Hocking | Dr HS Murdoch | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p116 |
Ltte - Relativity & the Quantum Theory - reply to HS Murdoch | Dr MG Hocking | y1970 | v14 | - | Winter | p118 |
Thoughts on Imagination - New Light on Occult Chemistry (1) | E Lester Smith | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p3 |
Science Jotting - The Missing Link? | KB Wakelam | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p10 |
Race & Intelligence | KC Stubbs | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p12 |
Relativity & the Quantum Theory (IV) | MG Hocking | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p17 |
Science Jottings - Heredity, Environment & Intelligence | H Tudor Edmunds | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p20 |
Ltte - May I take issue with Mr Desai (SGJ 1969 Spring v13 #1 p20) | Dr LJ Bendit | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p22 |
Science Jotting - The Influence of Electrical Changes in the Atmosphere on Human Well-being | H Tudor Edmunds | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p23 |
Science Jottings - Habits of Termites | H Tudor Edmunds | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p23 |
Automation & Leisure (rprntd extract Theosophy in Australia) | Dr Jean Raymond | y1970 | v14 | - | Spring | p27 |
obituary - Donald G Dyne | VW Slater | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p31 |
Some Writings of Possible Relevance to Studies in Occult Physics, Chemistry & Astronomy (2) | DM Eagles | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p32 |
Law & Order in the Universe (I) | Alan Edgar | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p37 |
Law & Order (II) | Ann Procter | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p41 |
The Anatomy of Ecstasy & Cosmic Consciousness | E Lester Smith | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p45 |
Added Material & Information Relevant to Dr E Lester Smith's paper "Memory Molecules" | A. Herbert Peron | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p54 |
review - Not in our Genes but in Ourselves (Naked Ape or Homo Sapiens) by John Lewis & Bernard Towers | E Lester Smith | y1971 | v15 | - | Summer | p56 |
Science Group Committee | anon | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p60 |
Doubts on Dowsing | E Lester Smith | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p61 |
The Future of the Theosophical Society in England | Jehangir D Moos | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p65 |
Theosophical Research Centre Week-End 1971 | Forbes G Perry | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p68 |
Another Look at Gravitation | KB Wakelam | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p70 |
Synthetic Memory Molecule | E Lester Smith | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p76 |
Sixth Race Consciousness: A Suggestion (with a Foreword by Corona Trew) | DG Dyne | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p77 |
The Evolution of the Higher Centres of the Human Brain | KB Wakelam | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p84 |
Ltte - Special Relativity | Eric M Baskett | y1971 | v15 | - | Autumn | p86 |
obituary - Ernest N Fernyhough - An Appreciation | VW Slater | y1971 | v15 | - | Winter | p92 |
review - Beyond Reductionism - The Alpbach Symposium of 1968, ed by Arthur Koestler & JR Smythies | E Lester Smith | y1971 | v15 | - | Winter | p93 |
Redshift & the Second Dimension of Time | KVK Nehru | y1971 | v15 | - | Winter | p100 |
The Mechanists' Challenge to Theosophists | Wm J Ross | y1971 | v15 | - | Winter | p106 |