Courses and Resources
Study courses
Study materials in our course section
The Secret Doctrine
Resource Module compiled by Pedro Oliveira
Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom
A Study Course to accompany the five-part video series
A Program for Living the Spiritual Life
A Study Course by Shirley Nicholson
Introduction to Key to Theosophy
Essential teachings and the core work of the Theosophical Society
Understanding the Psychic World
On psychic phenomena, magic, mediumship, clairvoyance and kundalini.
Personal Transformation
Religion and the Spiritual Life, Education and Art, Happiness and Sorrow
Paths to Wholeness by Willamay Pym
Occultism, mysticism & altruism combined (print media course)
The Myths of Our Lives
Compiled by Joy Mills based on The Hero Within
Living the Wisdom
A Guide to Social Transformation: print media course for workshops
Theosophy — An Introductory Course
A great introduction for beginners, with clear and helpful diagrams.
An Introduction to The Mahatma Letters
The definitive introduction to a challenging and rewarding study.
An Introduction to Esoteric Principles
Schools of Esoteric Teaching, First Principles, Planetary Evolution, The Path of Initiation.
Get Acquainted with The Secret Doctrine
A comprehensive study by the ever popular Dr John Algeo
View slideshows
View slideshows in our course section
The Doctrine of Karma
The world karma means action, coming from the Sanskrit root kri, "to do", or "to make".
The Perennial Philosophy: A Comprehensive Introductory Course
Featuring an historical overview and the key ideas of the Perennial Philosophy.
From Darkness to Light: Understanding Violence
Emotions are desires either to perpetuate a situation if pleasurable, or to escape out of it if painful.