The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge

Adyar Day

Anniversary, 17 February 2018.

The following is from the “Adyar Newsletter” February 2003, a quarterly publication from the TS in Chennai:- 

Prior to Annie Besant’s death, he [J. Krishnamurti] visited Adyar in 1932, and then from 1980, unfailingly visited the Society’s estate at Adyar whenever he was in Madras. (It may be of interest to the reader that on one of these occasions, Mr J. Krishnamurti unequivocally told Mrs Radha Burnier, current President of the Theosophical Society: ‘This is a sacred place. You must look after it.’) Mr Krishnamurti also died on 17 February 1986, and as quoted by Mrs Nilakanta, in 1924 he said of Adyar: 

"It is essential for the individual member and for the Society that Adyar, as a great spiritual centre, should be maintained, worthy and dignified, ... Adyar is, and always has been, a spiritual oasis ....

I have visited many a wonderful land and seen many a famous sight, but there is none to equal the extraordinary intangible something of our Adyar. There is an atmosphere there that does not exist in many a church and temple, and there is a Presence there that we expect to perceive in a sacred shrine. One can become either a God or a pitiful sinner at Adyar. It is a wondrous spot, and it must be maintained as though it were a holy temple.

Adyar Day exists to remind the members of this glorious place and to urge them to do their best to make Adyar a worthy and dignified shrine for the Masters."

[Biographical note: J. Krishnamurti was a religious philosopher who questioned belief, knowledge and human conditioning and is the author of First and Last FreedomThe Awakening of Intelligence and Freedom from the Known.]

Passing of Col. Henry S. Olcott (1842-1907) and J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986). Col. Olcott was the President-Founder of the TS from 1875 to 1907 and author of Old Diary Leaves, his record of the early history of the Society. 


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