filler - "merits of various church denominations." (rprnt from the Wall Street Journal) | anon (L) | y1969 | v18 | i5 | February | p160 |
filler - That which is above is as that which is below (from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes) | Hermes (L) | y1969 | v18 | i5 | February | p160z+ |
Cosmic Man | JG Crabbendam (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p161 |
An Organic Perspective on the Universe | George Emerson Haynes (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p163 |
From Germany | Mergot Rohrmann (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p169 |
filler - "It is useless to pile up in the library of our" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p171 |
Toward a Nobler Destiny | Clifton Meek (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p172 |
filler - "I am a god in the depth of my thoughts" | Willem Kloos (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p178 |
Keep Ever Young The Heart | Dorothy Adams (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p179 |
filler - "moral extrapolations are much safer than scientific ones" | Pierre Lecomte Du Nouy (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p180 |
What Is The 'Good Life'? | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p181 |
Post-Operative Reflections | B Hagelin (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p187 |
Locksley Hall (vf) | Alfred Lord Tennyson (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p189 |
Where Truth and Poetry Inhere | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p190 |
filler - A Man should be like the oak tree | Solon Lauer (L) | y1969 | v18 | i6 | March | p192z+ |
A Son Risen | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p193 |
The Well at the End of the World (vf) | Eleanor M Leech (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p196 |
Outside Looking In | Carol Wylie (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p197 |
filler - "Take care that the divinity within you has a creditable" | Marcus Aurelius (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p199 |
Mystery of the Grail (1) | Franz E Winkler (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p200 |
filler - "I remember the deep peace ... Christ, Prometheus" | AE (George W Russell) (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p206 |
The Great Chain of Beings | Robert K Davidson (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p207 |
The Waters of Live | Ingrid Van Mater (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p213 |
A Business Man's Qualities | John Heron (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p217 |
Man of the Decade | Eloise Hart (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p219 |
filler - "If you discount all the trappings" | Lo Guest (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p222 |
In the Root's White Core | Madeline Clark (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p223 |
Life's Relay (vf) | Sybil Tustin Pople (L) | y1969 | v18 | i7 | April | p224z+ |
The Simplicity of Greatness | James A. Long (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p225 |
filler - "We have grasped the mystery of the atom" | Omar Bradley (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p226 |
The Horse With A Swollen Back | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p227 |
Mystery of the Grail (2) Parsifal | Franz E Winkler (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p234 |
The White Dove | Mark Halpern (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p243 |
The Heritage of Man | John P Van Mater (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p245 |
filler - "The will is free" | Matthew Arnold (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p251 |
Human Stature | Enid Brandon (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p252 |
Keep Bright the Vision | Indira Gandhi (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p255 |
filler - Man, unlike any other thing | John Steinbeck (L) | y1969 | v18 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
Theme With Variations | Ida Postma (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p257 |
The Diary | JC Gonggrijp-Weber (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p261 |
filler - "Skillful Tree Climber" | Yoshida Kenko (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p262 |
Ours is a Spiritual Universe | Walter Donald Kring (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p263 |
filler - "Every Judas is a Christ in embryo" | G de Purucker (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p268 |
No Break in Continuity | Leslie T Titchenell (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p269 |
filler - "Our duty is to never consider our ability" | William Q Judge (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p271 |
Mithras the Invincible (1) | Willy Ph Felthuis (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p272 |
filler - "Milton ... could yet be a more signal factor in our life" | Dorothy Adams (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p281 |
A Singular Cosmic Unity | Rutger Bergstrom (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p282 |
Little Child (vf) | Addison Parker (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p286 |
Young, On Making Too Much of the (rprnt from the Wall Street Journal) | anon (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p287 |