The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Adelaide Lodge


filler - In the history of the human raceEmperor Haile Selassie (L)y1969v18i9Junep288z+
Can Truth Be Found?JG Crabbendam (L)y1969v18i10Julyp289
"I have studied many times" (vf)Edgar Lee Masters (L)y1969v18i10Julyp291
Life on Other WorldsRonald A. Oriti (L)y1969v18i10Julyp292
Looking - For What?Elizabeth M Duffie (L)y1969v18i10Julyp299
filler - "Our present lack of recollection of past lives"Alger (L)y1969v18i10Julyp303
Mithras the Invincible (2)Willy Ph Felthuis (L)y1969v18i10Julyp304
filler - "all is inhuman ... humanity is part of the universe"John Burroughs (L)y1969v18i10Julyp310
Protection ...W Rinsma (L)y1969v18i10Julyp311
Religion in the Space AgePeter H Samsom (L)y1969v18i10Julyp312
filler - "Is not the discovery of things as they truly are"Socrates (L)y1969v18i10Julyp317
MasqueradeEloise Hart (L)y1969v18i10Julyp318
filler - "If, in the pursuance of the policy of duty"William Q Judge (L)y1969v18i10Julyp320z+
Universal ManG de Purucker (L)y1969v18i11Augustp321
filler - "If one purges the Judaism of the Prophets"Albert Einstein (L)y1969v18i11Augustp323
Classical Genetics ChallengedI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1969v18i11Augustp324
Judge Not ...Dorothy Adams (L)y1969v18i11Augustp329
filler - "The archer adjusts himself and then shoots."Mencius (L)y1969v18i11Augustp331
Mithras the Invincible (3)Willy Ph Felthuis (L)y1969v18i11Augustp332
Confidence and FearEdwin A. Goldsworthy (L)y1969v18i11Augustp340
Lessons of HistoryJohn P Van Mater (L)y1969v18i11Augustp343
filler - "Doesn't everybody have the inner urge for harmony"GJ Reitsema-Hansen (L)y1969v18i11Augustp350
Does God Exist?Lo Guest (L)y1969v18i11Augustp351
The Water Lily (vf)Sybil Tustin Pople (L)y1969v18i11Augustp352z+
filler - "Someone asked a famous conductor"AW Cheer (L)y1969v18i11Augustp352
Toward a Universal ConsciousnessA. Studley Hart (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp353
filler - "Minds are like parachutes."Thomas Dewar (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp356
Ancient Science in the EddaElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp357
filler - "The deeper we look into nature"Albert Schweitzer (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp361
VignettesTheo Chegwidden (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp362
The Perennial Arjuna (Leo Tolstoy)Jean B Van Mater (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp364
filler - "There are a thousand problems at home and abroad."JL Garvin (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp370
Living or Non-Living?Robert Treat (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp371
"O Living Orb of Sight" (vf)Thomas Traherne (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp375
Ltte - "man was never a quadruped"R Murray (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp376
Ltte - "We had walked down a deserted, sandy street"Virginia Page (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp377
Ltte - "Things are taking place at such a furious rate"Tine Van Der Ven (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp378
filler - "Let the youth of the different peoples"G de Purucker (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp379
Bright Shall Be Her DragonIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp380
filler - Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?Eleanor Roosevelt (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "Give us grace and strength to persevere."Robert Louis Stevenson (L)y1969v18i12Septemberp384
Miracles Abound, AndJohn A. Llewllyn (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp1
A Pinch of Mustard-SeedHazel S Minot (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp3
"Lo, soul, seest thou not God's purpose" (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp6
Man of MysteryEloise Hart (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp7
Concerning EarthlingsAlysann Bendroth (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp11
filler - "The measure of any person"Mareon Darr (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp13
Reflections on Myths and MythosI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp14
Pyramid versus the Space AgeJohn Tunstall (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp19
The Soul of IndiaKenneth Morris (L)y1969v19i1Octoberp23
Showing 3001 to 3050 of 6911 entries